Again, I think the easiest way to do this is just to go day by day, because so much happened. I’m not sure I’ll remember it all, but here goes the best synopsis I can come up with for Paul Britton’s visit to Vienna. (Paul Britton is not the same Paul that I visited last post in Madrid. He is studying abroad in London, and is also one of our good friends at Davidson. He lived on the same hall as Pat and I did freshman year.)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Paul’s plane landed around 7:30 in the evening. Pat and I, being the great friends that we are, went to the airport to pick him up. Of course, we cut it a little close, and as we were making a sign for him we saw him walk out and start to follow the directions we gave him (because we hadn’t told him we were going to pick him up). Instead of just going and getting him, we decided to follow him and see how well he did. Once we were sure he was going to make it on his own, Pat did the birdcall and got his attention, and we took him to our apartment. He was hungry, so we all went out to Centimeter (my mom and I went there a couple of times). Our roommate David went with us, and a friend of ours, Aliza, met us there. Afterwards we spent a little time at a bar, but all of us (except Paul of course) had class the next morning so we called it a night pretty early.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Pat and I each have three classes, and since the next week would be midterms, we needed to go to all of them to make sure we had all the notes and knew what would be on our tests. Paul spent the afternoon wandering around the area near our classes. We finished with classes and got home about 6:30. I’m pretty sure we accidentally skipped dinner (I may have made myself a small sandwich) but we had a bunch of friends over to hang out for a while. We never ended up going out, but we did spend time skyping (an internet video chatting device) a number of friends from Davidson. Eventually Paul fell asleep on my bed. I woke him up when I was ready to go to sleep, but after we both brushed our teeth I decided just to let him sleep there so I took my alarm clock to the living room and slept on the futon. Evidently Paul woke up at some time in the night and felt bad for being in my bed, because when I woke up he was on one of our other couches with no blanket. Once I got up he moved to the futon and went immediately back to sleep.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Pat and I had our last German classes of the week, so I forced myself out of bed, made it through the class, and returned to my bed to sleep for another few hours. Pat’s class was at 10:30, so when he got home we all got up and tried to make a plan for the day. Mostly, we decided Pat and I needed to study for our German midterm (which was the next day) and Paul should do a bit of sight-seeing while it was nice. So we sent Paul to the Schonnbrun Palace and Pat and I pretended to study (just kidding mom…). In the evening we too Paul to Schnitzelwirt (another place I went with my mom and every other guest we’ve had) for dinner, and then we packed it in early and called it a night. It was a much slower day, but we all needed it. At one point I turned to Paul and asked, “Did you come to Vienna to see Vienna or to hang out?” He responded, “I’ll let you answer that one for yourself.”
For those who were worried, I did put in a call to my mom to wish her happy birthday!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Pat and I had to take our German midterms, but we finished in a little more than an hour. Afterwards we took Paul to the Schweiserhaus (another place I went with my mom). A few minutes later we were joined by a variety of other students from our program. We ate lunch there and hung out for a while. On our way out all of them did the ride “Extasy”. I’ve attempted to include a picture – it starts spinning on the ground, moves up and spins you sideways, and then goes vertical and spins you upside down. It then slows down, and spins you the opposite way in the same three positions. It’s pretty intense.
No one got sick, but a couple of people (Paul included) weren’t feeling too hot afterwards. Everyone went back to our apartment where we hung out for almost the entire afternoon. At about 7 the three of us went to have dinner with one of our program directors. We had a good time, but after a couple hours Paul and I left to go meet up with everyone we had been with earlier in the day. Pat was pretty tired, so he decided to stay and hang out and told us he would meet up with us later (which did not actually happen). Coincidentally, Paul and I ran into the people we were looking for at an u-bahn stop, so we followed them to a club named U4 (cleverly named as it is right off of the U4 line). When we first went in, it didn’t really seem like it was worth the 10 euro cover. After a couple hours though, it turned out to be really fun. Paul and I tried to talk to a few Austrian girls by asking them if they spoke English (not the best of pick-up lines). They just scowled and shook their heads (which is almost definitely a lie). Paul, in a bit of an angry tone, responded “Was ist das!?” (Vas ist das…means what is this?) and stormed off. I just laughed and followed.
A couple times during the night Pat texted me to ask where we were and if Paul was still with me. Because my phone was in my back pocket, I never actually felt it buzz. Eventually he texted my old phone (which we had fortunately given to Paul), and Paul responded in a timely manner. This eased Pat’s nerves – he told us the next day he was rather worried he was going to have to go out searching all over Vienna for our lost friend. Paul left about 2:15 and went home (he took my keys and it was just a few stops away from our place). When he got there, he thought he has lost my keys because they weren’t in his pants’ pockets, so he had to be buzzed in by our roommate Tad. Fortunately, they were just in his jacket. I left about 3:30 and got home at 4. Luckily Paul was asleep on the futon and not in my bed this time.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Yet again, we all slept in rather late. Once we all woke up, we decided it would be worthwhile for Pat and I to do some studying during the day since our midterms started the next day. However, we also needed to visit the Roman ruins museum, so we took Paul to go do that. We thought it was going to be more extensive than it was, but it only cost 3 euro to get in. It was mostly just the base of a house they had found underground and then a bunch of displays about Roman life in “Vindabona” (the name of Vienna back then) and stuff like their aqueduct system (which was really elaborate and pretty impressive).
It was a little bit rainier than it had been earlier in the weekend, so we went home and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening doing homework, studying, and watching American football that was on our ESPN America channel. I also watched the Davidson women’s soccer game against Chattanooga (which we won, keeping us alive to get into the Southern Conference tournament). Later that evening the three of us skyped with Jonathan Fisher (a good friend of ours at school) and Mary Marshall Meredith (also a good friend and a soccer player). Our test wasn’t until 1 the next day, but we decided it wouldn’t hurt to get an extra hour of sleep or two since we had spent so much time not sleeping over the weekend.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Pat and I woke up and studied a little bit more for our test and then went and took it while Paul gave himself a self-guided tour around the ring. Afterwards we went back to the apartment where I started studying for the next day. Eventually I had to take a brief nap, and when I woke up the other two had gone to go get food to cook for dinner. After one final meal together, Pat and I took Paul to the train station to catch his train to the airport. His flight was pretty late so he didn’t get home until after 1 am, but I would like to think his trip was completely worth it.
Midterms – October 25 – October 28: For my 5 classes, my midterms were as follows:
Cross-Cultural Philosophy was a paper that was due a week in advance. So I had no formal test in that class.
German was a test the Saturday Paul was here. It went well.
Austrian Art and Architecture was a written test where we had to identify a set of slides and then respond to two essay questions. It wasn’t terribly difficult.
Political Science – The New European Security Architecture was a verbal exam on Tuesday. It was reasonably straight forward, it was done in pairs, and Pat and I did really well.
Political Science – Europe Beyond the Nation State was a written exam on Thursday and was surprisingly easy – or it just happened to be exactly what I had studied.
Thursday immediately after that test, I left with Allison, Ashley, Julia, Katie, and Michelle to go to Hallstatt and Graz for the weekend. Patrick will be joining us when we get to Graz. But that’s another post.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Paul’s plane landed around 7:30 in the evening. Pat and I, being the great friends that we are, went to the airport to pick him up. Of course, we cut it a little close, and as we were making a sign for him we saw him walk out and start to follow the directions we gave him (because we hadn’t told him we were going to pick him up). Instead of just going and getting him, we decided to follow him and see how well he did. Once we were sure he was going to make it on his own, Pat did the birdcall and got his attention, and we took him to our apartment. He was hungry, so we all went out to Centimeter (my mom and I went there a couple of times). Our roommate David went with us, and a friend of ours, Aliza, met us there. Afterwards we spent a little time at a bar, but all of us (except Paul of course) had class the next morning so we called it a night pretty early.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Pat and I each have three classes, and since the next week would be midterms, we needed to go to all of them to make sure we had all the notes and knew what would be on our tests. Paul spent the afternoon wandering around the area near our classes. We finished with classes and got home about 6:30. I’m pretty sure we accidentally skipped dinner (I may have made myself a small sandwich) but we had a bunch of friends over to hang out for a while. We never ended up going out, but we did spend time skyping (an internet video chatting device) a number of friends from Davidson. Eventually Paul fell asleep on my bed. I woke him up when I was ready to go to sleep, but after we both brushed our teeth I decided just to let him sleep there so I took my alarm clock to the living room and slept on the futon. Evidently Paul woke up at some time in the night and felt bad for being in my bed, because when I woke up he was on one of our other couches with no blanket. Once I got up he moved to the futon and went immediately back to sleep.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Pat and I had our last German classes of the week, so I forced myself out of bed, made it through the class, and returned to my bed to sleep for another few hours. Pat’s class was at 10:30, so when he got home we all got up and tried to make a plan for the day. Mostly, we decided Pat and I needed to study for our German midterm (which was the next day) and Paul should do a bit of sight-seeing while it was nice. So we sent Paul to the Schonnbrun Palace and Pat and I pretended to study (just kidding mom…). In the evening we too Paul to Schnitzelwirt (another place I went with my mom and every other guest we’ve had) for dinner, and then we packed it in early and called it a night. It was a much slower day, but we all needed it. At one point I turned to Paul and asked, “Did you come to Vienna to see Vienna or to hang out?” He responded, “I’ll let you answer that one for yourself.”
For those who were worried, I did put in a call to my mom to wish her happy birthday!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Pat and I had to take our German midterms, but we finished in a little more than an hour. Afterwards we took Paul to the Schweiserhaus (another place I went with my mom). A few minutes later we were joined by a variety of other students from our program. We ate lunch there and hung out for a while. On our way out all of them did the ride “Extasy”. I’ve attempted to include a picture – it starts spinning on the ground, moves up and spins you sideways, and then goes vertical and spins you upside down. It then slows down, and spins you the opposite way in the same three positions. It’s pretty intense.
No one got sick, but a couple of people (Paul included) weren’t feeling too hot afterwards. Everyone went back to our apartment where we hung out for almost the entire afternoon. At about 7 the three of us went to have dinner with one of our program directors. We had a good time, but after a couple hours Paul and I left to go meet up with everyone we had been with earlier in the day. Pat was pretty tired, so he decided to stay and hang out and told us he would meet up with us later (which did not actually happen). Coincidentally, Paul and I ran into the people we were looking for at an u-bahn stop, so we followed them to a club named U4 (cleverly named as it is right off of the U4 line). When we first went in, it didn’t really seem like it was worth the 10 euro cover. After a couple hours though, it turned out to be really fun. Paul and I tried to talk to a few Austrian girls by asking them if they spoke English (not the best of pick-up lines). They just scowled and shook their heads (which is almost definitely a lie). Paul, in a bit of an angry tone, responded “Was ist das!?” (Vas ist das…means what is this?) and stormed off. I just laughed and followed.
A couple times during the night Pat texted me to ask where we were and if Paul was still with me. Because my phone was in my back pocket, I never actually felt it buzz. Eventually he texted my old phone (which we had fortunately given to Paul), and Paul responded in a timely manner. This eased Pat’s nerves – he told us the next day he was rather worried he was going to have to go out searching all over Vienna for our lost friend. Paul left about 2:15 and went home (he took my keys and it was just a few stops away from our place). When he got there, he thought he has lost my keys because they weren’t in his pants’ pockets, so he had to be buzzed in by our roommate Tad. Fortunately, they were just in his jacket. I left about 3:30 and got home at 4. Luckily Paul was asleep on the futon and not in my bed this time.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Yet again, we all slept in rather late. Once we all woke up, we decided it would be worthwhile for Pat and I to do some studying during the day since our midterms started the next day. However, we also needed to visit the Roman ruins museum, so we took Paul to go do that. We thought it was going to be more extensive than it was, but it only cost 3 euro to get in. It was mostly just the base of a house they had found underground and then a bunch of displays about Roman life in “Vindabona” (the name of Vienna back then) and stuff like their aqueduct system (which was really elaborate and pretty impressive).
It was a little bit rainier than it had been earlier in the weekend, so we went home and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening doing homework, studying, and watching American football that was on our ESPN America channel. I also watched the Davidson women’s soccer game against Chattanooga (which we won, keeping us alive to get into the Southern Conference tournament). Later that evening the three of us skyped with Jonathan Fisher (a good friend of ours at school) and Mary Marshall Meredith (also a good friend and a soccer player). Our test wasn’t until 1 the next day, but we decided it wouldn’t hurt to get an extra hour of sleep or two since we had spent so much time not sleeping over the weekend.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Pat and I woke up and studied a little bit more for our test and then went and took it while Paul gave himself a self-guided tour around the ring. Afterwards we went back to the apartment where I started studying for the next day. Eventually I had to take a brief nap, and when I woke up the other two had gone to go get food to cook for dinner. After one final meal together, Pat and I took Paul to the train station to catch his train to the airport. His flight was pretty late so he didn’t get home until after 1 am, but I would like to think his trip was completely worth it.
Midterms – October 25 – October 28: For my 5 classes, my midterms were as follows:
Cross-Cultural Philosophy was a paper that was due a week in advance. So I had no formal test in that class.
German was a test the Saturday Paul was here. It went well.
Austrian Art and Architecture was a written test where we had to identify a set of slides and then respond to two essay questions. It wasn’t terribly difficult.
Political Science – The New European Security Architecture was a verbal exam on Tuesday. It was reasonably straight forward, it was done in pairs, and Pat and I did really well.
Political Science – Europe Beyond the Nation State was a written exam on Thursday and was surprisingly easy – or it just happened to be exactly what I had studied.
Thursday immediately after that test, I left with Allison, Ashley, Julia, Katie, and Michelle to go to Hallstatt and Graz for the weekend. Patrick will be joining us when we get to Graz. But that’s another post.
This is the ride named "Extasy" - as you can see the cars are upside down and spinning around in multiple ways. |
This is Paul attempting to put on his "that was so awesome and I feel great" face after doing the ride seen above. You should have seen him a mere two minutes later. |
This is paul re-enacting where he woke up Friday morning after he evidently slept-walked out of my bed. |
Me, Patrick, and Paul right before Paul left. |