Tuesday (two days ago) we had a guest speaker from Crisis Group International talk to our class. Effectively what I’m starting to gather from these talks is that all of the important and worthwhile projects in the world are underfunded in favor of funding things like nuclear programs. Or perhaps more accurately, everyone believes their project deserves more funding than it gets, especially relative to things like nuclear programs.
The last two days at work have been interesting, since we’ve also been researching how much certain nuclear programs are costing our country every year.
Moments ago I completed and submitted my paper on my internship this summer to the professor leading the Davidson in Washington (DIW) program. At the moment it is only through the DIW program that you can get credit for an internship – if you write an acceptable paper. It is pass fail, and no one has every failed it before, but in the words of my professor, you at least have to “give it the ol’ college try”.[1] I certainly did that and a bit more, so if I don’t “pass” I will be rather surprised. I may eventually post the contents of that paper on here, but it was a 10-page paper so I may only do excerpts. Clearly I haven’t decided.
[1] Paul literally called me right as I finished typing this sentence to ask if my paper was done and if I had “given it the ol’ college try”.
Also worthy of note is the fact that I have finished both Xenocide and the sequel Children of the Mind in the last few days. Thus, I am done with the “Ender” series and will now be starting the “Shadow” series.[2]
[2] This is based off of another character in Ender’s Game and follows his life rather than Ender’s. It also tells the story of Earth after Ender leaves it. And by “now” I mean right after I’m done posting this entry.
Now for a look a few days down the road.
Tomorrow we’re having an office happy hour since it is the last time either one of the partners will be in the office while I’m there. Saturday Patrick arrives after finishing his internship and will be here for a week. Sunday or Monday my dad arrives for the week. Tuesday we have our last class that will be a recap, and Thursday our final is due and we have our final visit from a speaker. My final day of work is also Thursday, I will spend all day Friday packing, and then Saturday Uncle Rick is going to pick me up and take me to the airport. Phew. Then I’ll be home and able to relax for about 9 days before Gabi, Kelvin, Paul, and Max come through, stay the night, and take off with me in tow the next day.[3] Should be a grand ol’ time.
[3] Oh by the way Mom and Dad – Gabi, Kelvin, Paul, and Max are coming through on their way to school and picking me up.
My next post is probably going to be a completely made up post about Davidson club tennis this coming year. I’m getting really excited about it actually, and since we have a twitter account (@DC_Klubtennis) to spout information about our club, I figured I should probably write a fictional preseason account of the team. So please don’t take it seriously. Anyway, thanks to all who have made DC so much fun so far, this is going to be a great week, and I can’t wait to see my family![4]
[4] This may have been my shortest blog post ever.
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